
Associated Student Government

About ASG

BMCC has an active student government. The Associated Student Government (ASG) is responsible for planning various cultural, governmental, and entertainment events as well as contributing to college governance committees. ASG sponsors a variety of events each quarter, including events listed below:
  • Christmas Eve dinner
  • Rock The Vote
  • Arts and Culture Series
  • Movie Night
  • Ski Trips
  • Corn Maze
  • Veterans’ Breakfast
  • Constitution Day

ASG Executive Committee

Meets every Monday @ 11a-12p in the Boardroom. Meetings are open to students & staff pending notice to attend. Notify the team of your intent to join:

Garrett Mickalson     (541) 278-5921

Do you like to work with people and want to represent your peers at BMCC? Apply for a student leadership position. Selected applicants will receive 9-15 credits renewable scholarship for each term. Application opens up each spring for the following year.

Serving in an ASG position helps you:
  • Pay your tuition
  • Develop leadership and teamwork skills
  • Meet new people
  • Build your resume for future jobs and scholarships

Community College Board of Education
Oregon Community College Student Association
College Planning Council
Facilities Committee
Curriculum Committee
Diversity/Equity/Inclusion (DEI) Committee
Arts and Culture Committee
Safety Committee
Students First Committee

ASG Bylaws 2023-2024

ASG Constitution 2023-2024


Adam (541) 278-5912
Cheri (541) 278-5955
Annie (541) 278-5935

Velda Arnaud

(541) 278-5740

Beta Delta Zeta Chapter

Blue Mountain Community College’s Beta Delta Zeta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society is now the largest student organization at BMCC. Members of this group include students from every corner of the college’s service area and beyond…Baker County, Milton Freewater, Hermiston, Grant County, Nevada, Central Oregon, and Western Oregon.

About Phi Theta Kappa

The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.

Our Mission

Phi Theta Kappa’s mission is two-fold:

  1. Recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students and;
  2. Provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, service and fellowship programming.

Eligibility for membership in Phi Theta Kappa requires that a student must have completed a minimum of 12 community college credits and boast a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.  For more information about membership, please visit Phi Theta Kappa

BMCC advisor for this organization is Velda Arnaud


Students applying to Eastern Oregon University are eligible for scholarships. Complete and submit the application by the deadline.

Phi Theta Kappa BMCC students

Adam Sims 

(541) 278-5912

Suzanne Church



(541) 278-5958

Student Leadership Application

Required Documents to submit with application:

  • Unofficial Transcripts
  • Cover Letter explaining your interest in the program and prior experience
  • Letter of Recommendation


Application Opens: 3/1/2025

Application Deadline: 3/31/2025

Student Leader Interviews: 4/10/2025


Ambassadors Contact: Garrett Mickalson @ 541-278-5921, or email:

Associated Student Government Contact: Garrett Mickalson @ 541-278-5921, or email:

  • Any student can be an Ambassador and must:

    • Attend BMCC fall, winter, and spring terms 
    • Have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
    • Be available to work 10 (flexible) hours per week; some nights and weekends may be required on the Pendleton campus.
    • Attend a weekly one-hour business meeting in person in Pendleton
    • Have transportation to BMCC Pendleton

    To receive Ambassador Scholarship funding, Students must meet the following as an essential function of the position:

    • Travel to area high schools, college/career fairs, and attend meeting/trainings as required, valid driver’s license required.
    • Must be 18 years or older during their first academic year
  • To welcome students to Blue Mountain Community College.
  • To answer general questions about Blue Mountain Community College.
  • To represent Blue Mountain Community College at local area schools.
  • To assist in the day-to-day tasks that keeps the Student Ambassador office running smoothly.
  • To conduct campus tours for visiting students.
  • To develop relationships within the community that encourage students to attend BMCC.
  • Establish a leadership role and presence at the Blue Mountain Community College campuses.
  • To strive to create a positive atmosphere by partnering with other leadership groups on campus.
  • To assist and support all departments at Blue Mountain Community College.
  • To create and develop innovative ideas for recruitment.
  • Attend regularly scheduled hours and board meetings.
  • Work closely with the ASG Advisor to coordinate current and upcoming activities and events.
  • Serve on at least one BMCC Committee.
  • Chair at least one activity or event during the year.
  • Coordinate and support the annual BMCC Christmas Eve Dinner.
  • ASG officers will serve 10hrs a week; combination of office hours and event/activity participation.
  • Provide representation for ASG in select meetings of local, regional, or national organizations.
  • Responsible for knowing and abiding by the ASG Constitution and By-laws.
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