
College Costs

The cost of attending includes tuition, fees, books, and supplies. BMCC requires students to pay tuition costs by the 5th day of the term or to develop a payment plan. See Tuition, Fees and Testing Fees for details.

Estimate Your Tuition and Fees at BMCC

College Cost Calculator
*For tuition purposes, Oregon residents and residents of California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Washington are charged at the in-state resident rate of $119.00 for each credit hour, beginning with the Summer term of 2024.
The tuition rate for out-of-state students is $178.50 for each credit hour, beginning with the Summer term of 2024.





**This is an estimate. Actual tuition and fees will depend on the number of credits taken per quarter and special fees associated with particular classes, certificates, and degrees.

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