
Local 5th Graders Embark on Educational Journey at Blue Mountain Community College

Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by Artmil Design

Today, on April 24th, several 5th-grade classes from our community had an exciting opportunity to explore the campus of Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC). This visit helps introduce young students to higher education and potential career paths at an early age.

The enthusiastic group of young learners were given a glimpse into college life, toured the campus facilities, and had the chance to ask questions to college staff and ambassadors.

This visit not only provided valuable insights into the college experience but also inspired the students to set ambitious academic goals for their future. Many of them expressed their excitement about the possibility of attending BMCC one day.

8th-grade students will have their turn to tour Blue Mountain Community College in May.

Overall, the visit was a resounding success, leaving a positive impact on the young minds and reinforcing the importance of education and lifelong learning in our community.

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