

The Participatory/Shared Governance Policy and Process is the mechanism by which employees and students participate equitably and collegially in the decision-making processes of the College. The focus of Participatory/Shared Governance is at the institutional planning and policy level, not the operational or implementation level, which is the responsibility of administrators. Participatory/Shared Governance at BMCC is based on BMCC Board Policy II.A. Governance Commitment.

  • The Participatory/Shared Governance system should follow these guiding principles:
  • Participatory/Shared Governance is a central value of integral leadership that requires continued hard work, open communication, trust and respect.
  • Participatory/Shared Governance develops a system of open communication where the president, faculty, staff, administrators, board members and students work to align and implement strategic priorities.
  • Integral leadership links the president, faculty, staff, administrators, board and students in a well-functioning partnership purposefully devoted to a well-defined, broadly affirmed institutional vision.

 The Participatory/Shared Governance structure is outlined in the attached organizational chart, which outlines the two-way conversations between various stakeholders and committees.

 Any College employee may, at any time, recommend a change to the process that improves efficiency and provides for greater input from throughout the College community.

  • Employees will have opportunities to sign up for committee membership during the fall Pre-Service each year. Unfilled committee membership slots will be recommended by the Executive Team member associated with that committee to the committee chair.
  • Each college committee will select from among its members, a chair and vice-chair, except where a chair is appointed.
  • Each College committee will include representation from an Executive Team Member, two faculty members, two classified members, and two students. Other positions included are determined by the committee’s purpose.
  • While membership of each committee is set in the organizational document, all meetings are open
  • All committees and the College Planning Council are advisory. Final authority lies with the President.
  • A regular schedule of committee meetings will be established.
  • A quorum for each committee will consist of 50% of the assigned membership plus one.
  • Committee structure, membership, purpose, and procedures can and will be modified from time to time as better and more effective ways of working are developed.
  • Administration will monitor committee assignments to assure that the needs and interest of all constituencies are adequately represented.
  • All committees should have open and constructive participation among constituents.
  • All committees should have a willingness to actively listen to each other.
  • All committees should have early opportunities for discussion, information sharing, and input on any topic.
  • All committees should have time for all constituent groups affected by an issue to share information and to state their position(s) on proposed actions.
  • All committees should have Participatory/Shared integrity and responsibility in all adopted governance policies and procedures.
  • All committees should have continual monitoring and refinement of governance policies and procedures by representatives of the entire college community.
  • All committees should make a sincere effort to make the governance process work in a timely and effective manner.
  • All meetings will be documented and records of meetings will be made available within two weeks on the BMCC website Participatory/Shared Governance Committee page.
  • College Planning Council (CPC) will develop a schedule for committees to report out at least once during the year to those respective committees.   
  • Committees may deem it necessary to form sub-committee work groups to accomplish the committee plan of work or form for specialized tasks.
  • Throughout this process of disclosure, responsiveness, and accountability, the constituents recognize that the college administration is ultimately responsible for approving decisions advanced by this system of consultative governance.

Committee Chair

  • Manage committee membership per administrative procedure 06-2003-0002 Participatory/Shared Governance; include representation from a Vice President, a faculty member, a classified member, and a student. Other positions included are determined by the committee’s purpose.
  • Orient new members of the committee each year – review charter/purpose, membership, responsibilities, meeting schedule, communication responsibilities
  • Develop schedule for regular committee meetings
  • Develop agenda for meetings
  • It is suggested that committees utilize Robert’s Rules of Order when taking action during meetings
  • Conduct committee meetings that are open and have constructive participation among participants
  • Facilitate opportunities for discussion, information sharing and input, and encourage members to actively listen to one another
  • Remind committee members at every meeting to report back to their respective programs/departments the information Participatory/Shared/obtained during the committee meeting in an effort to share communication and maintain transparency

 Committee Recorder

  • Once chair develops schedule of meetings for the year, send schedule to President’s Office (Executive Assistant) and send Outlook calendar appointments to all committee members
  • When available in advance, publish meeting agendas on respective committee page of BMCC website ( and send to committee members
  • Record minutes during each committee meeting.
  • Publish completed minutes on respective committee page of BMCC website following each meeting.

 Committee Members

  • Attend committee meetings regularly. If you cannot commit to regular attendance, please notify the chair that you need to resign.
  • Be an active, respectful listener during meetings.
  • Be an active participant in meetings.
  • Report back to your program/department the information Participatory/Shared/obtained during the committee meeting in an effort to share communication and maintain transparency.

Robert’s Rules of Order is the standard for facilitating discussions and group decision-making. Copies
of the rules are available at most bookstores. Although they may seem long and involved, having an agreedupon set of rules makes meetings run easier. Robert’s Rules will help your group have better meetings, not
make them more difficult. Your group is free to modify them or find another suitable process that encourages
fairness and participation, unless your bylaws state otherwise.

Watch the Robert’s Rules of Order Video

College Senate

College Senate is a College-wide organization with representatives from all of the major campus constituencies shall provide a participatory governance forum for collaborative decision-making to effectively guide the institution with a focus on the Strategic Plan, Accreditation, College evaluation and improvement efforts, and Mission fulfillment that is shared College-wide through its membership.

Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month during the academic year, 1:30 p.m., Boardroom

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID  974 2592 2671    passcode  210007

College Senate is a College-wide organization with representatives from all of the major campus constituencies shall provide a participatory governance forum for collaborative decision-making to effectively guide the institution with a focus on the Strategic Plan, Accreditation, College evaluation and improvement efforts, and Mission fulfillment that is shared College-wide through its membership.

Authority: The CPC is advisory to the President.

Meetings: Meetings are held twice each month at a standard time established at the beginning of each academic year. Special meetings will be called when needed. All meetings are open to the general College community.

Agenda: A preliminary agenda will be developed at the end of each Senate meeting. Any member may ask that items related to the business of the Senate be placed on the agenda. The President’s Office distributes the agenda to Senate members and the College community in advance of the meeting. Items considered by the Council will include written background information made available in advance, whenever possible.

Minutes: The President’s Office sees that minutes of all meetings are recorded, electronically distributed to Senate members, and made available to all members of the College community.

Communication between the Senate and Other Planning Bodies of the College: The intent is to have as much transparency as possible. In the spirit of this intent, sharing of agendas and a summary of relevant planning topics from Senate and other bodies will be shared in advance or presented regularly to the Senate. Affected groups/committees include: Executive Leadership Team, Curriculum, Integrated Resources, Accreditation Steering, Student First Advisory, Diversity/Equity and Inclusion, Information Technology, Facilities Planning, Safety and Faculty Senate (when/if created, otherwise, the BMCC Faculty Association), and Classified Association.

Operating Procedures: Decisions are made by general consent after each member has had an opportunity to provide input. If consensus is not possible, a vote is taken according to Robert’s Rules of Order. A quorum requires a simple majority or more of the voting Senate members. If a Senate member must miss a meeting, he/she may designate, from his/her constituent group, a stand-in who has voting power. The Chair must be notified in advance of the absence and be provided with the name of the stand-in. Members of the audience are allowed to address an agenda item at the time it is discussed by the Senate.

The College Senate advises and makes recommendations to the President on College matters that are consistent with the college Mission requiring broad institutional input in service to our students, the College, and community. College Senate is the shared governance body responsible for overseeing and evaluating the following plans:

College Strategic Plan

Academic Master Plan

Facilities Technology

Master Plans

Enrollment Management Master Plan

Communication Master Plan

Identifies short-term ( three-year) goals and strategies to support Students First

Focuses on long-term educational goals and objectives

Focuses on facilities and technology needs for the College

Focuses on the Enrollment and Retention goals and objectives of the College

Focuses on the long-term goals of Marketing and Community Image of the College

Chair Kristin Williams
RecorderShannon Franklin
Exempt Staff

Kristin Williams

Jennie Wolfe

Anne Morter

Joe Secl-alt


Ki Russell

Pete Hernberg

Velda Arnaud

Chris Nagle-alt


Stacie Stahl

Liz Engblom

Skip Cripe

Kristie Harrison-alt

StudentBrianna Ehia

Curriculum Committee

Blue Mountain Community College is committed to providing high quality educational services to students.  An accessible, updated, and innovative curriculum is central to this process and supports the college mission and core themes. 

The Curriculum Committee is a college governance committee that is charged with reviewing all new proposals and revisions to curriculum for academic programs.  Academic programs include all credit transfer courses and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and courses.

2nd and 4th Thursday, 3:00 pm., Boardroom

In fulfilling its charge, the Curriculum Committee will:

  1. Design, review, and maintain a responsive integrated curriculum.
  2. Serve as a resource to departments and individuals for understanding the curriculum process and assist in developing new/refined programs and courses.
  3. Review course/program changes in terms of their impact on college programs, departments, workloads, schedules, equipment, and resources.
  4. Review course/program changes and proposals and recommend approval based on compliance with state and accrediting guidelines as well as transferability to other institutions of higher learning.
  5. Assure that curriculum decisions are held accountable to the mission of the college.
  6. Oversee academic program review and course and program assessment.
  1. The Curriculum Committee will consist of nine (9) voting members and two (2) non-voting members, with the majority being faculty. The Office of Instruction member votes only to break a tie.
  2. Annually, the Committee will elect a faculty member to serve as Chair-elect, and this individual will assume the Chair role at the beginning of the new academic year.
  3. Four faculty members will be appointed by the BMFA to represent academic programs and each will serve a two (2) year term.
  4. The Chair of the Instructional Assessment Committee and Chair of the Academic Program Review Committee will each serve a one (1) year term. If either the Instructional Assessment Committee or the Academic Program Review Chairs are not able to serve, they may appoint another faculty member as the committee liaison for the year.
  5. The other appointed positions will serve one or two year terms as noted in the chart.
  6. The faculty membership should be evenly represented: three (3) transfer faculty and three (3) CTE faculty.
ChairSascha McKeon
RecorderKarl Schrader

Theresa Bosworth

Christene Thatcher

Tammy Short

Jennifer Hills


Matt Liscom

Ki Russell

Velda Arnaud

Sara Reyburn

Carol Johnson

Jeremy Gillette

Cheri Kendrick

Gary Parker

Laurie Post

Sascha McKeon

  1. In addition to the above responsibilities, the Committee will periodically review the “Course and Curriculum Review Procedures” and assist the Office of Instruction with assuring that the process is transparent, fair, and consistent.
  2. Changes in policy will be submitted to the College Coordinating Council as an information item per college charter.
  3. As needed, the Committee will form sub-committees to focus on specific tasks or issues. These subcommittees will make recommendations to the Committee.
  4. Academic Program Review and Instructional Assessment Committees will exist as permanent committees and report annually to the Curriculum Committee.
  5. Curriculum meetings:
  • A standing time for all Curriculum Committee meetings will be determined, and any faculty member who serves on the committee is expected to attend.
  • If a member must miss due to an unavoidable conflict, he/she must notify the Curriculum Coordinator and/or the Curriculum Committee Chair in order to document an excused absence. If a member misses more than two meetings per year, he/she will be contacted and a determination made as to ability to commit to the duties of committee membership. Should a committee member resign, or be asked to step down, another appropriate faculty representative will be selected.
  • In case of an excused absence, the excused member may NOT assign a proxy vote to another person. However, he/she may request that a vote be tabled until the next meeting. Each scheduled vote may only be tabled one time due to member request.
  • A meeting quorum is defined as the presence of any five (5) voting members. If a quorum is not present, the meeting may be held but decisions requiring a vote will be deferred to the next meeting date.
  • All Curriculum Committee meetings are open, and members may participate via Zoom or telephone connection. Curriculum Committee meetings (but not subcommittee meetings) will be recorded using Zoom and stored in a Canvas shell for each academic year.
  • Meeting agendas will be published in advance on the Friday before the scheduled meeting.
  • The Curriculum Committee Chair will conduct the meetings. If she/he is absent from the meeting, the Chair-Elect will assume this duty.
  • Anyone wishing to address the committee may contact the Office of Instruction or the Curriculum Committee Chair at least one (1) week before the scheduled meeting and request to be placed on the agenda, or he/she may submit written testimony to be considered at the next meeting.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee develops, reviews, and evaluates plans which create a more inclusive environment in order to celebrate and promote understanding and respect of diverse people; facilitates campus-wide dialogue regarding issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion; and provides direction for compliance with Oregon HB 2864 and HECC Equity Lens.

HB 2864—Oregon defines Cultural Competency as “an understanding of how institutions and individuals can respond respectfully and effectively to people from all cultures, economic statuses, language backgrounds, races, ethnic backgrounds, disabilities, religions, genders, gender identifications, sexual orientations, veteran statuses, and other characteristics in a manner that recognizes, affirms and values the worth, and preserves the dignity, of individuals, families and communities.”

 The 2nd Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the Boardroom 
Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 985 4353 1496

Co-ChairRoman Olivera
Co-ChairAshlei Emmons
ExemptTammy Krawczyk

Carol Johnson

Ki Russell

Michelle Miller

Allison Lakomski

Shaindel Beers

ClassifiedNicole Polivka

Yocselin R.

Katheryn G.


Daejah E.

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Committee membership will include a minimum of two faculty representatives, two classified representatives, two Exempt Tech representatives, two student representatives, a member of the Human Resources staff who will be a non-voting member, any additional members are welcome and encouraged to participate and are non-voting. Chair will be determined by consensus of the Committee and may only vote in the event of an impasse. A volunteer committee member will be the Recorder.

  • Faculty, classified, and exempt tech representatives serve through active participation for a minimum of two years; students serve for one-year, and may serve longer if available.
  • The chair serves a two-year term and may be re-elected.
  • If an appointed Committee member is unable to participate for an extended time, the Committee will invite another member of the representative group to stand in for them for the duration of the absence.
  1. Shared definitions. Facilitate adoption and understanding of campus-wide shared definitions of diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural competence.

  2. Programs. Coordinate the assessment of needs and opportunities for DEI and culturally competent campus programs. Facilitate the development and evaluation of plans for DEI/cultural competency programs.

  3. Curriculum. Coordinate the assessment of needs and opportunities for DEI and cultural competency components of academic programs and classroom experiences. Facilitate the development and evaluation of plans for DEI/cultural competency components of academic programs and classroom experiences.

  4. Human resources. Develop and evaluate a plan for the recruitment and retention of under-represented students, faculty, and staff.

  5. Celebration. Develop and evaluate a plan for recognizing actions of students, faculty, and staff that promote and exemplify the principles of DEI and cultural competency.

Facilities Committee

  • Serve in a consultative capacity to the college administration for matters related to facilities planning and use
    • Deliberate and advance facilities policies
    • Deliberate and advance the facilities planning process, including the oversight of a master facilities plan
    • Deliberate and make recommendations concerning facilities utilization
    • Deliberate and report on tasks assigned by the college administration
  • Post approved minutes on the college website; report routinely to the College Coordinating Council; provide special updates to the President’s Cabinet.
  • Emergency Response & Safety to Facilities Committee reports to Facilities Committee

Second Tuesday of each month during the academic year, as required, 1:30 p.m., Boardroom, Pendleton Campus, 
or by Zoom: 

ChairDwyane Williams
RecorderDebbie Stahl

Jeff Nelson

Jordan Monaco

Tammy Krawczyk


Cheri Kendrick

Drew Leggett


Kristi Harrison

James Richardson

Mark Saunders

StudentMatthew E.

Term of appointment will be one year in length.

Technology Committee

The purpose of the Technology committee is as follows:

  • Serve in a consultative role to the President, College Senate, and the IT Department through identification and analysis of best practices and implementation of educational technology to support faculty, staff, and students to fulfill the mission of BMCC.
  • Serve as a resource and facilitate the sharing of IT uses and application information with faculty and staff. This includes identifying the current uses of IT, collecting information about best practices, finding and sharing training opportunities, and identifying those expert users of specific IT applications who can act as resources for our college community.
  • Deliberate and advance information technology and telecommunications strategies and requirements that will anticipate and meet the future instructional, operational, and human resources needs to support the strategic plans of both BMCC and the IT Department.
  • Deliberate and report on technology matters and questions when requested to do so by committees, departments, or units of the college.
  • Perform an independent peer review of BMCC’s Information Technology plans.
  • Work to fulfill accreditation mandates.

Meeting dates will be determined at the first meeting of the academic year. Meetings are held the 4th Friday of each month from 1:00 p.m. in M-100 or by Zoom:

Meeting ID:  925 9929 2000

ChairBrad Holden

Becky Tesch

Lorraine Andregg

Anne Morter


Gary Parker

Greg Schulberg

Christopher Nagle

StudentNick F.

Budget Committee

  • Serve in a consultative capacity to the President for matters related to the allocation of college resources of time, money, and people by:
    • Deliberating and advancing fiscal policies
    • Deliberating and advancing the budget process by reviewing and prioritizing:
      • Tuition and fee proposals
      • Budget requests
  • Facilitate and manage the Innovation Fund
  • Deliberate and report on tasks assigned by the President
  • Perform a preliminary, top-level review of the college’s annual budget before it is presented to the Budget committee of the Blue Mountain Community College Education District

Second Thursday of each month during the academic year, 10:00 am in the Boardroom and/or Zoom.  Additional meetings as required.  Zoom link:

Meeting ID 986 6888 7859    Passcode:  405030

Lead-Interim Director Business Services/BursarGeoff LaHaie


Geoff LaHaie
RecorderShannon Franklin

Tod Case

Dwayne Williams

Ken Daniels

Joey GrosJacques

Connie Fellows


Pete Hernberg

Sascha McKeon

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