Changing your degree intent is a simple process and requires only the completion of this form. Although simple, it may have unintended consequences for you as a student. Before making this change it is recommended that you meet with your Faculty Advisor or Navigator (formerly Student Success Coach).
In addition, if you are receiving federal or state financial aid, you are encouraged to speak with a Financial Aid Advisor. Those receiving veteran’s education benefits should speak with BMCC’s School Certifying Official.
It is your responsibility to know and to observe the requirements of your degree or certificate program. Although your Faculty Advisor or Navigator will attempt to help you make informed decisions, the final responsibility for meeting graduation requirements rests with you – the student.
If you have questions about this process, please contact the Success Hub at
Pre-Admission Coursework for Limited Entry or Partnership Programs
Note: If you are working on pre-admission coursework for one of the following limited entry or partnership programs, your degree intent will be updated as follows until you have applied and been accepted in to the program:
If you have questions about this process, please contact Enrollment Services at or Student Records at
2411 NW Carden Ave.
Pendleton, OR 97801
(541) 276-1260