Home » Feves Art Gallery » BMCC Student Art Show
Exhibition Dates TBD
Opening Reception: TBD
Please join us for food & drinks, and vote for the People’s Choice Award!
Art Drop-Off Days: TBD
Share your artwork in the Annual BMCC Student Art Show!
Submissions will be accepted at the Feves Gallery during the dates listed above. If you cannot make it to the Gallery during this time, contact the gallery to make alternative arrangements.
This year’s judge is TBD
Prizes will be awarded for: Best of Show, 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Honorable Mention,
& People’s Choice. Prize gift cards are generously funded by the Associated Student Government (ASG).
After the show, all pieces MUST be picked up during the following times:
Monday—Wednesday, June 6th — 8th, 9:30 am — 1:30 pm.
Work that is not picked up becomes property of the Gallery and may be disposed of at our discretion
Details and entry forms can be found on the gallery website.
2411 NW Carden Ave.
Pendleton, OR 97801
(541) 276-1260