There are two stages of signing up for classes in Focal:
1. Planning: this is where you choose which courses you want for a term. You can add or remove classes to and from your plan as often as you like.
2. Registering: this is where you register for your planned courses.
To get started, find the registration widget for the upcoming term on your dashboard:
This widget has two tabs: one showing your Planned classes, and the other showing Enrolled (registered) classes.
To get started searching for classes, click “Plan Classes”:
This is the class search window. You can search for classes by code or title, or use the “Category” picker in the upper left to choose a category, like Math:
Note that each tile in the Planned Classes section has a “Remove” button. Click that button to remove a class from your plan:
Click “yes” and the course is removed from the plan:
At any point you can click “View Schedule” under your planned classes to see a calendar grid view of your classes with meeting times with online classes spanning the entire week:
At this point you can click “Edit Plan” to go back to planning, or click “Confirm and Register” to finish registration. Note that the total tuition/fees that will be charged to your account show here.
After Confirming, you will be taken back to your dashboard where you will see your Enrolled classes, your current balance, the option to Make a Payment, and a list of costs (your “Ledger”) for each class:
If you have a Declared Goal and are intending to complete a degree at BMCC, there will be one difference to your registration experience from the steps outlined above.
The “X” here means you have not satisfied that requirement.
This message is important!
You may notice that some classes don’t appear in the list with that box checked, including some prerequisite classes which don’t directly apply to your degree. By unchecking that box you will see all classes offered in the term, including those which may not be eligible for financial aid. Work with your Advisor or Navigator if you have questions.
By un-checking the box you will see this extra Note:
All of the other steps of the Registration process are the same as the steps for students not seeking degrees at BMCC.
If you have already registered for a class, it will appear under your “Enrolled” tab for a term. If you are within the add/drop time for the term, you will be able to “unregister” by clicking that button on any class:
Your dashboard will show your Advisor widget just below the Welcome message. Your Advisor widget will include your assigned Advisor and/or Navigator. If you are not a degree-seeking student, you won’t see anyone in the list. If you are degree-seeking and don’t see anyone listed, please contact our Advising team at (541) 278-5853 or make an appointment with a Navigator from the Advising page.
From your dashboard click the “My Classes” tab at the top
You can click a term in the “My Classes” widget to see your course history for that term:
2411 NW Carden Ave.
Pendleton, OR 97801
(541) 276-1260