The Office of Instruction, oversees and supports all teaching and learning activities at Blue Mountain Community College. We are dedicated to quality instruction and oversee assessment of student learning at course, program and degree level, support on-going accreditation review, and provide resources for faculty. Through partnerships with universities, K-12 partners and local industries, the Office of Instruction collaborates with faculty to maintain academic integrity and rigor through dynamic and relevant curriculum in both credit and non-credit offerings. Our office, led by Phillip Schmitz, includes all full and part-time faculty, Dean of Regional Workforce and Community Education, Dean of Learning and Academic Engagement, Instructional Office operations and support staff, the Library, eLearning and Early College Credit Coordinators, and Center Directors in Baker City, Milton-Freewater, Hermiston, and Boardman.
The Office of Instruction at Blue Mountain Community College provides leadership and guidance for programs and courses to support student success, completion, and advancement. BMCC faculty and staff provide high quality instruction that allows students to achieve their educational goals.
The chief academic officer of Blue Mountain Community College is responsible for oversight all academic programs (transfer, career technical and non-credit community education), assessment of student learning, academic personnel decisions, budget development, program and curriculum development, and improvement of teaching and learning. In this role, the Vice President of Instruction works closely with the faculty, academic deans and the Executive Leadership Team internally; the wider college district community including employers, ESD and public school districts; and other community colleges and universities in the state and region.
Identifies operational inefficiencies for process mapping and technology-driven solutions. Collaborates with College-wide departments. Plans, prepares, and submits program budgets. Monitors expenditures to ensure budget compliance for the instructional units. Oversees instruction-related preparation and submission of appropriate reports to the state. Serves as the AIS course management module manager and Office of Instruction lead for administrative system functions related to instructional processes. Serves as the initial contact for student complaints about academic matters.
The Dean provides leadership for a collaborative team that is focused on creating and maintaining a student-centered college that embodies a Students First philosophy. The Dean provides administrative direction and equity-minded leadership for instructional and student-support operations within assigned areas; develops and coordinates learning and support operations; fosters an empowering learning environment for students; supervises and mentors faculty and staff; provides leadership for meeting momentum points and metrics so that student retention improves quarterly, and contributes to the overall mission and administration of the college through collaborative leadership and effective communication.
The Early College Credit and Community Education Coordinator leads the College’s Early College Credit (ECC) program to provide oversight and leadership for all ECC classes at Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC); successfully builds and sustains relationships between BMCC and secondary and post-secondary educational institutions as well as between students and families in BMCC’s service area; serves as liaison between the Intermountain Educational Services District (IMESD) and BMCC; assesses the needs of ECC students and school districts and coordinates with instructional deans to provide courses in response to those needs; and works with stakeholders to improve BMCC’s educational pipeline from ECC through completion or transfer.
The Director of Instructional Operations administers programs at BMCC under the direction of the Dean of Learning and Academic Engagement to provide quality curriculum and programs in a variety of areas, but primarily in Career and Technical Education (CTE). Works in collaboration with faculty, program coordinators, and outside partners to ensure that programs are meeting the needs of the community. Works with all faculty to continuously improve curriculum through periodic review processes. Actively participates as a member of various college committees and serves as a college representative at events and meetings both on campus and off.
The Director of Instructional Support Services provides effective leadership and oversight for the overall management of academic operations, accreditation, curriculum, and pathways. The Director provides College-wide leadership focused on four areas of responsibility: (1) managing critical components of academic operations that support efficiencies throughout the instructional unit; (2) coordinating the quarterly class schedule, including its timely encoding and publication; (3) coordinating curriculum services, including state reporting, liaising with the Higher Education Coordinating Council and other organizations to ensure BMCC is in compliance with all rules and regulations; and (4) serving as the College’s Accreditation Liaison Officer to the Northwest Commission on College and Universities.
Provides high-level administrative assistant services as part of the support team for the Office of Instruction. Actively and independently participates within a team concept in the Office of Instruction. Participates as an active member of campus teams and committees. Performs all functions and activities within the guidelines and philosophy set forth in the BMCC Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan.
2411 NW Carden Ave.
Pendleton, OR 97801
(541) 276-1260