
Celebrating Alexis Jones: A Journey of Resilience and Achievement

Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Jordan Monaco

Alexis Jones joined the JOB program in 2022, determined to achieve her goal of obtaining her GED. Throughout her journey, Alexis faced numerous challenges, experiencing a cycle of progress and setbacks. Yet, each time she reached a crossroad, she steadfastly repeated, “I don’t want to put this down.”

During Alexis’s celebration, a poignant statement was made that resonates deeply: Those working towards their GED do not have the same safety net as high school students; they have to claw their way to success. The GED is not just an equivalent to a high school diploma; it represents an extraordinary feat earned through resilience and determination. The individuals who pursue a GED are truly giants among men.

Our program is ecstatic to celebrate Alexis’s achievements and the way her story will inspire future participants in our program.

The BMCC JOBS Program is a grant-funded initiative that partners with the Department of Human Services to assist individuals on TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) in achieving self-sufficiency. Our program offers life skills classes, collaborates with local employers to set up volunteer positions, provides job search assistance, resume writing and interview skills training, and helps participants prepare for their GED tests. Our mission and vision are to empower each individual to take control of their own life, guided by empathy and accountability.

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