

BMCC’s Business Pathway is designed for students who want to work in business and for those who may be interested in a business career. The pathway includes foundational coursework that may be applied to an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree for entry into the workforce or to an Associate of Science Transfer (AST) degree for transferring to Eastern Oregon University (or another Oregon public university). The foundational courses apply to either path and include basic skills necessary for business careers.
Students opting for the transfer degree will also take general education courses including arts & letters, social science, and lab science. Students who complete the AST-Business degree will begin at the university with junior status.
Students opting for the workforce degree will take general business courses that will prepare them for entry-level employment.



Degrees & Certificates

The Associate of Science Transfer (AST-Business) degree is designed for students transferring to Eastern Oregon University or another Oregon public university to complete a bachelor degree.

Associate of Science Transfer Degree


Business Administration AAS degree which is designed for students who want to enter the workforce upon graduation.

Associate of Applied Science Degree

This one-year certificate program is designed to provide specialized training and skills for entry-level positions as receptionists and/or records clerks in medical offices. Emphasis is placed on the study of general office skills as well as medical office theories and policies, including practical experience with current equipment and software. The coursework lays the foundation for a two-year A.A.S. degree program for those students who want to continue their education.

  • Use current and emerging word processing technologies to produce documents
  • Meet or exceed the current speed and accuracy requirements for typing and 10-key operation in the industry
  • Model effective customer service interactions
  • Perform the general office procedures of filing, equipment operation, mail distribution, phone calls, and tasks requiring basic math calculations
  • Use appropriate medical terminology with written and oral accuracy

Certificate of Completion

This one-year program leading to a certificate in accounting offers students the opportunity to develop a foundational understanding of accounting principles with an emphasis in applying that understanding to bookkeeping tasks. Employment possibilities include bookkeeper, accounting clerk, and payroll clerk. Jobs are available in business, industry, government agencies, service industries, and banks.

Certificate of Completion

This program leads to a career pathways certificate of completion in business operations support specialist offering students the opportunity to develop entry-level office skills. 

Career Pathway Certificate

This one-year certificate program is designed to provide specialized training and skills for work as an office assistant. Emphasis is placed on the study of general office skills, including practical experience on current equipment and software. The coursework lays the foundation for a two-year A.A.S. degree program for those students who want to continue their education. 

Certificate of Completion

This program provides the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities required to succeed in the
workplace. Topics include introduction to the industry, computer literacy, communication, teamwork, enthusiasm and attitude, problem solving, critical thinking, and professionalism.

This Workforce Readiness program provides the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities required to succeed in the workplace. Topics include introduction to the industry, computer literacy, communication, teamwork, enthusiasm and attitude, problem solving, critical thinking, and professionalism.

Certificate of Completion

This one-year certificate program is designed for individuals who want to own and operate a business. All coursework may be applied to the Business Administration AAS degree.

Certificate of Completion

Further Information

  • COM111 or COM111Z, Public Speaking
  • WR121 or WR121Z, English Composition
  • Math requirement (MTH105/MTH105Z or higher for transfer/BA104 for AAS)
  • BA101, Intro to Business
  • BA131, Intro to Business Computing
  • BA206, Principles of Management
  • BA211, Principles of Accounting
  • BA214, Business Communications
  • BA223, Principles of Marketing
  • BA226, Business Law
  • BA230, Spreadsheets/MS Excel

What is CWE?

Cooperative Work Experience (CWE) allows students to practice the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom before completing their degrees and entering the workforce. CWE gives students valuable on-the-job experience, and students earn college credit while working. Employers benefit by having access to qualified, temporary workers. CWE builds positive connections between the student, the employer, and the college.

How Does CWE Work?

BMCC’s Business Administration CWE Coordinator, Velda Arnaud, works with local employers to identify needs and how our business students can help meet those needs.

The coordinator then identifies students taking the CWE course that best match the employer’s needs. The student then interviews with the employer’s designated contact person. If the student meets the requirements for the temporary position, the employers and student complete and sign the contract. The contract is then forwarded to the CWE coordinator. The experience may be paid or unpaid; however, employers are encouraged to pay the standard rate for the work duties.

The student’s work is then monitored by the site supervisor and the CWE coordinator. The student will submit monthly time sheets to the supervisor for approval and then to the coordinator. 


Expand/Contract Questions and Answers

Why should students value CWE?

A CW experience allows students to practice the skills learned in the classes while gaining on-the-job experience. Here are some benefits:

  • Improve technical and soft skills
  • Provide experience that may be included on a resume
  • Learn about jobs in the local area
  • Make an employer contact who may be a future job reference
  • Earn college credit towards graduation
    Why should employers value CWE?

    Students completing their programs at BMCC have learned current technologies and interpersonal skills; however, they have not had many opportunities to practice. CWE allows employers to gain qualified, temporary employees that may become permanent employees, if a position opens. 

    What are the requirements for students to participate in CWE?

    CWE should be towards the end of the academic program. Students may find their own CWE placement; however, the employer should be approved by your CWE coordinator. Please note:

    • Students should have his or her resume ready to provide to the CWE employer and coordinator
    • Students will create goals (or learning objectives) for the CW experience
    • Students will need to register for the CWE course and select the number of credit hours
    • The contract must be signed and sent to the coordinator before beginning CWE hours
    • Students will complete weekly journal reflections on their experiences as they relate to their goals
    • A signed monthly time sheet must be provided to the CWE coordinator
    • All required hours must be completed within the term; there will be no incomplete grades given
    • Both the student and the employer must complete an evaluation
    • The student will complete an exit interview with the CWE coordinator

      What are the requirements for employers to participate in CWE?

      Employers will need to understand the requirements for working with the CWE coordinator and the student.  A supervisor must be designated as the main contact between the employer and the BMCC coordinator. In addition to supervising the student, the coordinator will be responsible for signing the contract, monthly time sheets, and providing an evaluation at the end of the term.

      If the employer pays the CWE student, then the employer is responsible for workers’ compensation insurance. If the student is in an unpaid position, BMCC will be responsible for workers’ compensation insurance as stated in the CWE contract. 

      How many hours must a student work?

      Students must work 33 hours per credit of CWE. There is a maximum of 8 credits per term. See below:

      8 credits  264 hours
      7 credits 231 hours
      6 credits 198 hours
      5 credits 165 hours
      4 credits 132 hours
      3 credits 99 hours
      2 credits 66 hours
      1 credit 33 hours

      How will a student find a CWE placement?

      Students may find his or her own employer, but the coordinator will approve the CWE employer.  If the student cannot find one, the CWE coordinator may have suggestions. If a student is referred to a potential employer, the student will need to call and schedule an interview with the contact person at the organization. 

      How will the student be evaluated?

      Both the student and the employer will complete written evaluations. The CWE coordinator will evaluate journal reflections as they related to learning objectives. The final grade will be based on the student’s self-evaluation, the employer’s evaluation, and the coordinator’s assessment of your work. 

  • What are the steps for students taking CWE?

    Before the term begins:

      • Meet with the CWE coordinator to discuss options
      • Document  goals (i.e., learning outcomes) for the experience
      • Register for the CWE course
      • Update the resume
      • Interview with the potential employer

    Within the first 2 weeks of the term:

      • Submit completed CWE contract to the coordinator
      • Start working weekly hours
      • Record daily hours on the CWE time sheet


      • Record  experiences in an online journal. Reflect on individual goals and the experience


      • Submit  monthly time sheet to the CWE coordinator during the first week of each month

    At the end of the term:

      • Complete the self-evaluation and submit it to the coordinator
      • Submit the final time sheet by Wednesday of finals’ week

When employers connect with students while in college, both the employer and the student benefit. The Business Administration faculty want to increase those connections. Here are a few of the opportunities in which employers may want to participate:

  • Cooperative Work Experience: Students practice the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom while working for employers. Students earn college credit (1 credit for 33 hours with an employer), and in turn, employers have qualified, temporary workers.
  • Informational Interviews: Students will meet with people who hire or work in positions related to their career goals. The student will come prepared with questions that will help him or her better understand hiring and skill-level requirements for entry-level positions. 
  • Internships: Give qualified, potential employees valuable experience by working within your organization. While internships are not a formal part of our programs, these opportunities are excellent for building relationships and helping students gain workplace skills.
  • Guest Speaker: The department’s Business Club will host guest speakers approximately 6 times per year for the general student population. Instructors may request guest speakers to attend specific courses. Topics will be related to business or leadership.
  • Employer Panel Participant: The Business Club will host panel discussions related to business and leadership. Topics may include hiring, workplace expectations, using social media to promote your business, marketing, and ethics in the workplace.
  • Site Visitations: Site visitations allow students to better understand the workplace and working environments. If your business has the ability to offer tours of your organization, those could be scheduled.
  • Service Learning: Service learning integrates classroom instruction with community service and reflection. Students who engage in service-learning activities have reported a deeper level of understanding and civic responsibility.
  • Professional Office Production: Students will work with instructors to produce professional documents, thus giving students office work experience while at the same time benefiting area employers. Production will be limited to the number of students involved and the complexity of the projects.

Leadership Courses

Our 1- and 2-credit leadership courses use free open educational resources. To be successful in these courses, students will participate in course assignments, activities, journals, and projects. 

The leadership courses include:

  • LD110, Your Professional Development Plan (fall term)
  • LD130, Building a Team (fall term)
  • LD131, Leading and Motivating a Team (spring term)
  • LD132, Team Processes (winter term)
  • LD133, Workplace Culture (summer term)
  • LD150, Cultivating Self-care (summer term)
  • LD211, Ethics in Action (winter term)
  • LD212, Preparing for Presentations (fall term)
  • LD215, Emotional Intelligence (winter term, 2 credits))
  • LD225, Social Intelligence (spring term, 2 credits)
  • LD288, Practicing Leadership (spring term)

Community organizations and employers may schedule to have these courses delivered on their sites.

Leadership Workshops

Workshops (1.5 to 2 hours) are available on the topics below:

Individual Skills

  • Behaving responsibly
  • Facing your fears
  • Improving communication
  • Setting goals
  • Social networking
  • Stress management
  • Time management
  • Workplace culture
  • Your professional development plan
  • Your professional image

Leadership Skills

  • Business ethics
  • Business etiquette
  • Conflict management
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Ethical leadership
  • Leading with integrity
  • Project management
  • Social intelligence
  • The generation gap
  • Viral marketing

Team Skills

  • Building the team
  • Motivation using Hartman’s Color Code
  • Myers-Briggs personality types
  • Team communication tools

If you have any questions or topic suggestions, please contact Velda Arnaud

Articulation Agreements

EOU has a fast track program for business. Course equivalencies for the EOU Business Administration program:

Blue Mountain Community College
Required Skills Courses

Eastern Oregon University
Required Skills Courses

TitleCredits      Course
 Title Credits
College Algebra
Calculus for Management/SS
College Algebra
Survey Calculus
MTH243Introduction to Probability and Statistics4 STATS243Elementary Statistics4
WR121English Composition3 WR121Expository Prose Writing4

Lower Division
Business Program Requirements

Lower Division Core
Required Business Subjects

TitleCredits  Course
 Title Credits
BA101Introduction to Business (Not required for transfer students)4 BA101Introduction to Business 4
BA131 or
Introduction to Business Computing BA131Business Data Processing4
Principles of Accounting BA211Principles of Accounting4
BA213Principles of Accounting4 BA213Managerial Accounting4
BA214Business Communications BA225Business Communications4
BA226Business Law4 BA254Business Law4
EC201Principles of Microeconomics4 ECON201Microeconomics (SSC)
EC202Principles of Macroeconomics ECON202Macroeconomics (SSC)
Total 36  Total 34 

BMCC Lower Division

EOU Upper Division Core

BA206Principles of Management4  Accepted for BA 321 Principles of Management content at the lower division level. Students must take BA 461, Organizational Behavior, at EOU, in place of BA321.
BA223Principles of Marketing4  Accepted for BA 312 Principles of Management content at the lower division level. Students must take BA 464, Organizational Behavior, at EOU, in place of BA312.

Upper-division courses (300 and above) not offered. Be sure to check prerequisites when planning your coursework. Different prerequisites may be required at other schools. 

BMCC Course Number (credits)

OSU Course  Title 

OSU Course Number (credits)

BA101 (4) and BA110X (3)Business NowBA101 (6)
NoneBusiness InsightBA170 (2)
BA211 (4), BA212 (4), and BA213 (4)*Financial & Managerial AccountingBALDT(12); *(BA211/213)
BA226 (4)Legal Environment of BusinessBA233 (2)
NoneProfessional DevelopmentBA253 (4)
NoneIntroduction to EntrepreneurshipBA260 (4)
NoneIntroduction to Statistical InferenceBA275 (4)
NoneBusiness Management ProcessesBA302 (4)
COM111 (4)Public Speaking/Argument & Critical DiscourseCOMM111 or COMM114 (3)
EC201 (4)Introduction to Micro EconomicsECON201 (4)
EC202 (4)Introduction to Macro EconomicsECON202 (4)
MTH241 (4)Calculus Mgt/Social ScienceMTH241 (4)
WR122 (4) or WR227 (4) Choose oneEnglish Composition/Technical WritingWR222 or WR327 (3)


*Note 1: There are no direct equivalents in accounting. Don’t split the sequence between BMCC and OSU. You must take BA211, BA212, and BA213 in order to receive credit for OSU’s BA211 and BA213. If you complete only one or two of the courses, you will receive only elective credits.

**Note 2: Students admitted to OSU’s College of Business with OSU catalog year 2016/17 or later will need to follow our new PreBusiness curriculum above. Some class requirements have changed from prior years. Talk with an advisor if you have questions.


To fulfill a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration or a double major in Accounting, the NNU Adult & Profession Program in Business requires that BMCC students take the following courses in fulfillment of an Associate of Arts degree:

  • BA101, Introduction to Business
  • BA131, Introduction to Business Computing
  • MTH243, Introduction to Probability and Statistics
  • BA211, Principles of Accounting I
  • BA212, Principles of Accounting II
  • BA213, Principles of Accounting III (must take II and III to fulfill ACCT2070 at NNU)
  • BA214, Business Communication
  • BA226, Business Law
  • EC201, Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
  • EC202, Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics

Additionally, students are required to take the following General Education courses as part of their AAOT:

  • WR121, English Composition I
  • WR122, English Composition II (fulfills ENGL1035 at NNU)

Once the above AAOT degree and specified courses have been completed, BMCC students would receive junior standing at NNU with 62 semester credits. Students would then take 35 general education credits and 27 business course credits at NNU. 

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