
Arts & Communication

Careers in arts and communication combine creative expression and interpersonal skills to create innovative work. Careers in the Arts and Communication Pathway include:
  • Administration
  • Advertising
  • Architecture
  • Art Therapy
  • Creative Writing
  • Film and Entertainment
  • Foreign Language Translation
  • Graphic Design
  • Journalism and Media
  • Museums and Galleries
  • Public Relations
  • Publishing
  • Sales
  • Social Media Manager
  • Visual and Performing Arts



Degrees & Certificates

Degrees related to the areas of Art, Communications, English and Writing, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Spanish, Speech, Theatre.

Further Information

All members of the English faculty are well-published, established writers in their respective genres who are active in their writing communities. Ki Russell is the author of How to Become Baba Yaga (The Medulla Review, 2014), The Wolf at the Door (Ars Omnia Press, 2014), and Antler Woman Responds (Paladin Contemporaries, 2014).  Shaindel Beers is the author of A Brief History of Time (Salt Publishing, 2009), The Children’s War and Other Poems (Salt Publishing, 2013), and Secure Your Own Mask (White Pine Press, 2018).

Material covered in our courses includes Poetry (WR 241; ENG 106), Fiction (WR 242; ENG 104), Creative Nonfiction (WR 243), and Argument & Rhetoric (WR 122Z). We also have courses that focus on American literature, Women’s literature, Shakespeare, Fairy tales and Folklore, and more!

Each year, the English department holds a literary arts competition, with prizes for Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction. Several winners and finalists have gone on to have their work published.

In Theatre Arts, students learn many life skills that will serve them throughout their lives, no matter what life path they choose. These include creative thinking, self-confidence, focus, responsibility, teamwork, meeting deadlines, project creation and completion, accuracy, following and giving directions, etc.

We create exciting public events that draw in campus and community members at least three times a year, through the unique combination of the efforts and resources of the college and College Community Theatre.

Standout alumni from Theatre Arts include Crystal Munoz, Jessica Moran, Paula Martin, Joshua King, Christopher McClellan, and Rick Mugrage.

Staff Information

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