

Everyone starts somewhere. Where are you starting?

STEP is a SNAP Training and Employment Program offered throughout Oregon for individuals receiving SNAP benefits and who are interested in pursuing employment and/or training opportunities.  


STEP Helps Get You There!

  • Students develop an education plan to guide their education and career goals 

  • The program can provide eligible students with some assistance to overcome certain financial barriers to their education.

  • Students receive career and technical education training transitional support

Common Questions

  1. You must be currently receiving SNAP benefits from the State of Oregon
  2. Not be receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
  3. Interested in enrolling in a career and technical program that leads to either an associate’s degree or certificate
  4. Students enrolled in College Prep preparation courses, such as ABE/GED, and ELA
  5. Or be enrolled in an AS, AGS, and AAOT programs with an employment end goal tied to their education pathway
  6. You must update or create a new iMatchSkills account

NOTE: all services are not available at once

  • Internet or Cell Phone Support Service
  • Gas Cards
  • Utilities (Limited to a 2 month support service)
  • Work and Training Tools (equipment, tools safety clothing, uniforms)
  • Housing (Limited to a 1 month support service)

STEP money is not a loan and doesn’t need to be paid back.

Oregon students who meet income guidelines may qualify for SNAP if they meet the following criteria below:

More details in this FAQ guide on eligibility.

Those who fall below Oregon’s income guidelines may be eligible for SNAP. Monthly amounts go up $787 for each additional person

*Students attending class less than half time and those age 50+ do not need to meet additional student criteria, only income, to qualify for SNAP.

Student Criteria

Students who meet income guidelines may qualify for SNAP if they meet this new criteria

Students need to let Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) know what their intended job will be after completing their education. DHS wants to understand the link between a student’s education and employment.

During their interview with a DHS worker, a student will need to share the reason they are going to school and how it is related to a job they want after they complete their undergraduate education (four-year program or less – this includes undergraduate, associates, certificate or short-term training programs).

Students should share a specific job they would like to do after they complete their education.

  • For example, if a student is studying social work, they should share they want to be a social worker.
  • Jobs that require an advanced degree (more than four years of education), like lawyer or doctor, do not fit this criterion.

If a student meets this criteria, there are no work requirements for the student.

Complete an online application. If you need assistance completing your online application, call 1-800-699-9075

A SNAP eligibility worker will call you over the phone to conduct an interview.You will need to provide:

  1. Identification (such as a driver’s license)
  2. Social Security numbers for everyone applying (original cards not required)
  3. Proof of income for the last 30 days (such as check stubs)
  4. For non-citizens, proof of the lawful immigrant status of household members seeking benefits

If you currently receive SNAP or are interested in applying for SNAP to become part of the BMCC STEP program, please fill out the STEP Interest form and the STEP navigator will schedule a meeting to enroll you into STEP.

Contact the STEP Navigator, Daejah Espinoza at 541-278-5835 or email at

Schedule an appointment

STEP Forms

Interest Form

Have the STEP Navigator reach out to you

iMatch Skills

Update or create an IMatch Skills Account with the Oregon Employment Department

Funding provided by the United States Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity employer provider and lender. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture Policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, race, color national region, sex, age, or disability. To File a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights;Room, 326-W, Whitten Building,1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD).
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